Teressa Jackson

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"Home is where one starts from." ~T. S. Eliot

For the past fifteen years, I have called 501 Beharrell Avenue "home." I loved this cozy brick bungalow from the moment I saw it, and it's been fun making a few marks of my own on its 86 or so years of history. Today, I made another big leap of faith in my adventure, and it hit the market for sale. 

I'll certainly miss my tree-lined historic street, all the sunlight streaming through the windows, the warmth of the woodwork, my little vegetable garden, the front porch, walking the neighborhood, and all the other bits that have made it my home. Its sale will, however, provide me with the great gift of being able to undertake my travels over the next year, and for that, I will say a fond farewell to my humble, cheery abode. I'm quite certain it will make its next owner very happy.

I will also be selling most of my belongings after the house is under contract, so if you spy something in these photos that tickles your fancy, feel free to contact me.

"One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time." ~Hermann Hesse

"It may be that the satisfaction I need depends on my going away, so that when I've gone and come back, I'll find it at home." ~Rumi

"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home." ~Matsuo Basho